Let us assist you in shaping the Sales strategy in the new markets and find right answers to the key Sales questions.
What do you sell?
It can be much trickier than it seems. People don't buy products based on the functionality. They buy your vision, your brand, your ideas.
Who is your client?
Let's narrow it down and focus on the real target market that can generate sales today and grow your business tomorrow. Stay focused to avoid chasing too many targets simultaneously.
How do you sell your vision?
We'll know the right approach based on the What and Who answers. Field-sales, cold-calling, partner channels, conferences, email and social media campaigns?
Do your Sales Assets sell? How do you create brochures, whitepapers, presentations, client proposals? At many firms these tools are still shaped by people, who know a lot about the product but do not actually sell.
From our experience the best way to create Sales Assets is to assign this project to your Sales team. At the same time we also recommend to hire external experts to maintain an unbiased view and structured approach. The Sales project group should be diverse and objective - from your Sales management and top sales achievers to the recent joiners - the latter will be best placed to have a fresh perspective on the matter.
Hold workshops, brainstorm, interview the company's key stakeholders - management, product and software development, marketing - and then translate the functional and technical internal lingo to the business language of your clients.
So now you have a Strategy and a good set of Sales Assets to go and win customers. What are the next steps in entering the new territory or vertical?
Planning and executing a successful Business development campaign greatly depends on the target market you are approaching. Does it make sense to launch a massive email and cold-calling campaign in a market where prospects receive tens of emails and phone calls on a daily basis? Or is it best to arrange a webinar, industry event and focus efforts on inviting recognized experts who will attract your prospective clients?
What is the right approach to writing emails in this day and age, when most people consider a reaction to a social media post an effort, let alone reading an email from an unknown contact in a foreign country? Luckily there are still sales tools and techniques allowing you to reach your target audience and have a meaningful conversation with your customers. Let us share those with you.
Each country and industry is unique and should be addressed in a tailored fashion after a careful research. We have seen many companies investing a lot of money and efforts in the lucrative Eastern European markets by trying (in vain) to apply the same approach that worked for them in the US. Or companies that had success in the UK and decided that the French market is exactly the same, especially if it's only across the channel. However, this notion is far from accurate.
Furthermore, we witnessed notorious cases where companies have incurred substantial financial losses by ignorantly venturing into markets where their offerings proved utterly irrelevant from functional, operational, legal, or budgetary standpoints. Regrettably, the cultural perspective is all too often overlooked.
Our proposal is simple - let us save you time and money and help you identify the best channels and approaches to reach and win over your prospects.
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